God and His glory are at the center of what we do. Our mission is to minister to Him. We believe that the worship of God is the first purpose of the church and we exist to lift God up. We worship through prayer and song.
Because music is a vital component to worship, we should always sing songs that are theologically correct, praise concise concepts, and theological truths.
God and His glory are at the center of what we do. Our mission is to minister to Him. We believe that the worship of God is the first purpose of the church and we exist to lift God up. We worship through prayer and song.
Because music is a vital component to worship, we should always sing songs that are theologically correct, praise concise concepts, and theological truths.


The church is a community. It is like a family. Our purpose is to follow the pattern of Jesus. 1 John 4:20 tells us that loving God means loving people. We believe that the church is a place where friendships are formed and experiences are shared. We provide opportunities for fellowship through activities, around regular services, and during the week.
The church is a community. It is like a family. Our purpose is to follow the pattern of Jesus. 1 John 4:20 tells us that loving God means loving people. We believe that the church is a place where friendships are formed and experiences are shared. We provide opportunities for fellowship through activities, around regular services, and during the week.
Disciples are followers. The last command of Jesus was to make followers. We believe it is our mission to pass the truths of God's Word to others. Studying and teaching the Bible in a small study, or one on one mentorship are two of the ways we fulfill this mission. We strive to grow the followers of Christ and give them the tools to reach others through discipleship.
Disciples are followers. The last command of Jesus was to make followers. We believe it is our mission to pass the truths of God's Word to others. Studying and teaching the Bible in a small study, or one on one mentorship are two of the ways we fulfill this mission. We strive to grow the followers of Christ and give them the tools to reach others through discipleship.

Service Times
Sunday Mornings
9:00 am - Sunday School
10:00 am - Morning Service
10:00 am - Morning Service
Sunday Evenings
6:00 pm - Evening Service and Youth Group
Wednesday Evenings
7:00 pm - Evening Service and Payer Meeting